Selasa, 09 Desember 2008

Supermodel Femme Bot

While robots certainly come in many shapes and sizes, they tend to be, by and large, masculine.

Seeing the lack of representation of the fairer sex, Tomotaka Takahashi (below; famous tech-designers seldom look this good, btw) took on the task of creating a robot that didn't just look female, but moved in a feminine way as well.

Thus the FT (female type) robot was born.

The FT is a fine diva that can perform a graceful catwalk with all the twists, turns and poses of a supermodel.

Her creator Tomotaka Takahashi believes that half all the robots that will be created in the future will be females.

While making FT he consulted with professional models on how to give FT a feminine walk and posture.

Her lean, athletic frame made up of 23 motors and 2 gyroscopes, and needs a checkup twice a year; needing to be maintained biannually by a robotic gynaecologist.

Of the two FT’s built one is going up for auction and the bidding starts at $300,000.

Dollars, not Yen.

Mind you.

Do I smell the coming-era of 'Femme Bot Supermodels?' ^^

Posture, picture, proportion and pose perfect.

Never an 'off-season'.

Always flawless in cut and shape.


Never in a need for a liposuction, botox or plastic surgery to 'fix anything hanging'.

Forever Fabulous.

Adding to that, impeccable professionalism, glowing personality and fashionably .... punctual. (most models aren't)

***Directive: 'FIERCE'. ***

Q ... Just imagine, there might come a day where FT can memorise, recall, process and emulate any top model's facial expressions, walks and poses. Then make it all her own. Amazing.

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