Am terribly distraught.
The pains of being in Love.
The pain of avoidance from the one you love most. :(
Lo and Behold!
A close friend had come to my rescue.
With words of wisdom and peace.
Read on and be touched...
Joyce says:
to move someone mighty
Joyce says:
u need to be mightier
Joyce says:
and might
Joyce says:
is not displayed through force
Joyce says:
but can only be tamed and shown
Joyce says:
through courage, n true strength
Joyce says:
that will radiate its own light
Joyce says:
so gently but surely
Joyce says:
make her come to see how wonderful u are
Joyce says:
there is no need to act desperate
Joyce says:
just like when u choose your wife
Joyce says:
u wil never want to be with a woman
Joyce says:
that needs u
Joyce says:
is desperate for u
Joyce says:
u would want want that respects u
Joyce says:
gives u time and space
Joyce says:
and yet
Joyce says:
love u in her own way
Joyce says:
like u hire a computer technician
Joyce says:
u dun want a newbie who's still learning
Joyce says:
u want a professional that
Joyce says:
u dun have to teach
Joyce says:
so, take this time apart
Joyce says:
to polish yourself
Joyce says:
grow in your character
Joyce says:
and person
Joyce says:
and she will know what she has missed out on
Joyce says:
and if its really love
Joyce says:
it will come back to u
Joyce says:
and u will understand this after u read what i've sent to u
Joyce says:
love yourself first
Joyce says:
and to touch a girl's heart
Joyce says:
its never through look
Joyce says:
its through sincerity
Joyce says:
and most importantly
Joyce says:
through her heart
Joyce says:
make her understand what love is about
Joyce says:
send her this if it touches yours
Joyce says:
n explain to her what u have learnt
Joyce says:
and if she chooses to ignore u
Joyce says:
don't beat yourself up on it
Joyce says:
cuz everything that happens has a reason
Joyce says:
and u will have another season
Joyce says:
another love yet again
Joyce says:
and this time u will be better for the person
Joyce says:
take this experience and cherish it
Joyce says:
savour the moments if u must
Joyce says:
make this your eternal memory
Joyce says:
of only goodness
Joyce says:
and see how u can move to greater stuff in your life
Joyce says:
don't let this set u back
Joyce says:
Joyce says:
law of attraction
Joyce says:
the good attracts the good
Joyce says:
light attracts light
Joyce says:
no darkness would want to come near light
Joyce says:
for they will be exposed
Joyce says:
so learn to shine, n there will be more than
Joyce says:
plenty of wonderful people around u
Joyce says:
u are a very wonderful person
Joyce says:
so i just take sometime to share some of my life's perspective with u
Joyce says:
and i hope u can be better because of what u have gone thru
Joyce says:
i speak only from my heart and my life
Joyce says:
appreciate the moments
Joyce says:
for it is truely what u have
Joyce says:
but let it not define your greatness ok?
Joyce says:
for u are made for more wonderful things
Joyce says:
Joyce says:
so as long as i see u learn to grow and be happy again
Joyce says:
life's not only about partying u know
Joyce says:
Joyce says:
but there is always a time to party
Joyce says:
a paradox but true
Joyce says:
like we always plan for the future
Joyce says:
but the future is now
Joyce says:
this moment
Joyce says:
its how we choose to see things and let it take us from here
Joyce says:
to whatever we so desire
Joyce says:
the amazing thing is that if we know what we want and set our minds on it
Joyce says:
there is absolutely nothing that can ever stop us to achieving it
Joyce says:
the universe will even help us along to acheiveing it
Joyce says:
its only we who are barriers to ourselves
Joyce says:
cuz we aren't sure of what we want
Joyce says:
when things happen n u see it as a failure it never is just that
Joyce says:
its just a feedback
Joyce says:
change the method
Joyce says:
and see if u will succeed
Q .... eternally grateful . Thank you!
And I pray for the bliss of such a beautiful person who's been true a lot and given so much more.
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