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Kamis, 25 Desember 2008
Tony Blair's in Vogue at Armani
Usually it's an honour reserved for presidents, heads of state and Hollywood A-listers. But at a time when stores are ever more desperate over the lack of ringing tills this Christmas, Tony Blair had the privilege of an entire designer shop to himself. Like Madonna and Victoria Beckham, who prefer to browse without the prying eyes of hoi polloi, Blair was accorded the perk of having Giorgio Armani's entire flagship London store opened up especially early for him. Not only that, but an eagle-eyed shopper passing the Knightsbridge emporium on Saturday morning noted that the shop had apparently provided the former Prime Minister with a personal shopper. 'Blair had the store to himself - it had opened an hour earlier than usual for him,' says my spy. 'He was with four bodyguards - two outside and two in the store - a personal... [read full story]
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