Senin, 31 Maret 2008

Sex-Y in the City

Mighty Marcus : The male model all male models aspire to be. He's reached higher than all.
Singapore Fashion Festival

Date/time: 4 April, 5.30pm

Venue: Tent@Orchard, Ngee Ann City Civic Plaza
(Getit? Pitch a tent? ha ha)

'In celebration of the traditional form of the masculine, “Sex-Y in the City” is a dedicated Men’s Show featuring designer men’s underwear from the likes of John Galliano, Emporio Armani, DKNY, 2(x)ist, Punto Blanco and more. This sensational show, with collections from Milan, Barcelona, Paris & New York, pays tribute to iconic American heroes and the bad boys of rock with the highest paid per-year male supermodel in the world, Marcus Schenkenberg, hitting the runway.'


Go there and get one's self-esteem shot down like a blardy pigeon.

It takes one hella Brave soul!! ^^


Diversity vs. Division

"There’s something about growing up in diversity that’s very powerful in education, in the way it shapes your mind, your character."
- TS on LKY

Indeed. However, this is sadly NOT the lesson learnt by many here.

I'm surrounded by snide and cynical people who only think they are 'modern' and 'forward-thinking' but are nothing more than over-protected and conservative-minded spoilt citizens who think the whole world revolves around them.

They are a stiff. They are judgemental. They are ignorant.

Sad. F*cking Sad.

They tolerate only because there's no tolerance.

Perhaps only if the ground under their feet shakes and their nice little world has been trembled a bit, then, they could wake up.

No I don't mean terrorism. I meant education.

Slow, tedious Education.


Minggu, 30 Maret 2008

Caracol Keyboard: A Concept For One Handed Typing - Gizmo Watch

"The Caracol is a computer keyboard that absolutely rubbishes all convention and takes to an entirely new approach to simplify typing. Of all animals, the Caracol takes inspiration from the snail, and now if you think the Caracol does the job as slow as the snail itself, you will be in for a real shock. You can type blindingly fast and all that just with one hand. For this, Caracol, uses a rotary keyboard on a wheel through which you slip your palm. The keyboard or rather, keywheel rests on a nice and comfortable, ergonomic pad very similar to the mousepad on which you rest the heel of your palm. The loop has a 5:1 gearbox which enables it to rotate even with a small movement of the palm.
Now, a slight movement of your hand to the left gets this wheel/loop spinning to the left and to whichever keys you want to access and a similar result for a slight movement to the right. Thus, you can access all the keys quickly and type almost telepathically as you will find the keys automatically falling to your fingers than your fingers locating them, as is the case in conventional keyboards. The rotating keywheel retains the qwerty format but uses symmetry to achieve all this with tri directional keys which allows you to to type 3 characters with one key. Though it is still a concept, it looks exciting enough and we need to first use one of these to know how comfortable and effective this design can really be. Till then, watch this space."

Voisin Is The Concept I Drool For, Infact We Drool For - Auto Motto

Voisin Is The Concept I Drool For, Infact We Drool For - Auto Motto: "Voisin, this name sounds tempting, no? Well, if it doesn’t then the details related to this name will surely have you drooling over your PC. No, it’s not another hot super-model but it’s something that every man desires - an amazing car that will have everyone’s eyes stuck on it.
I know I’m over-exaggerating as this is about a concept car, but it is coming from one of the greatest designers of auto world. The guy behind Ferrari Dino and Hansen GT, Ernesto Freitas, is back at it and this time his work is dubbed as Voisin. For me the concept is as tempting as its name. It is a concept but greatest part is that Ernesto is looking for some investors for his concept under his own brand Luso Motors.
His new concept is inspired by Bugatti Veyron and is supposedly designed as a car with a large rear engine. Other than that we don’t really have much info available (as of now), but hopefully we’ll soon be astounded by the specs whenever they come our way, because these images are good enough to tell us that we are in for some treat. So, you can drool and kill yourself over the thoughts of getting this one by viewing the computer rendered images of the concept in the gallery below while we dig deeper to find details of the project."

Macho Marys

You look the part: Bulging biceps, inflated ego, a big foot print and
The Apparent Goods to Match Your Supposed Go.

No mountains. Only mole hills.
Introducng the Marys:

Nissan Murano

Mazda CX7

Jeep Compass

Subaru Tribeca

Chevrolet Captiva

Ssangyong Actyon
4x4s that look like they could tank and tank.
(And does that Tank top help?)

You can RIde it HARD But they are really 'soft-roaders' for the
City-dweller traversing the Urban Jungle.

New Urban Males?
(Pun fully intended. lol)

Macho Marys on the go.

Perfect for the trips between the gym and the Kallang river for that Dragon Boating session. :o)

Go on... ride up Fort Canning to pitch a Tent.... :P


Escultura - Os Candangos, de Bruno Giorgi - Ricardo Noblat: O Globo Online

Escultura - Os Candangos, de Bruno Giorgi - Ricardo Noblat: O Globo Online: "A escultura Os Guerreiros, mais conhecida como Os Candangos, está localizada na Praça dos Três Poderes, em Brasília. Erguida em 1959, a escultura de Bruno Giorgi é uma homenagem aos 80 mil trabalhadores responsáveis pela construção da capital. A obra mede oito metros de altura e é toda feita em bronze. Em 1987, foi restaurada pelo artista Zeno Zani.
Escultor e pintor, Bruno Giorgi nasceu em Mococa (SP). Em 1911 mudou-se com a família para Roma. No início da década de 20 estudou desenho e escultura. Após cumprir quatro anos de pena por conspiração contra o regime fascista, foi extraditado para o Brasil em 1935. Morou também em Paris, onde freqüentou as academias La Grande Chaumière e Ranson e conheceu Aristide Maillol, que passou a orientá-lo.
(Com colaboração de Catharina Mafra)"

The Fusion of Movement & Soul

Kinetic Design.

Probably one of the best cars Ford has made in years.

The Design.
The Quality.
The Refinement.
The Excitement.
The Edginess.
The Space.
The Comfort.
The Agility.
The Peace of mind
. ....
That you're driving One of the Best Cars on the road today.

At ANY price.

Be prepared to be awed. Be prepared to Want ONE.


U R A wussy !!!

"(This being) a Self-Help system..." ...

The only thing I'm gonna 'self-help' myself is UP YOUR A**.

Inflexible. Improper. Impartial. Impossible.

Imbecile. $$$-face.

("What did the Toad see out of its well?")

A parking tic 'For being there for the Kids'. Believe?

U R A wuss.


PS: Angie Nnnngggg (say it like you didn't want sex! Really?) can eat Sh*t in seven days.
BTW, she's a cheap slut and can be had for a night for only S$30. Call *********. :P

Sabtu, 29 Maret 2008

NOT a Plastic Bag. Not Real either

OMG. It's so faKe!

OMG. It's so Useful!

These days when one has a ton of things to carry around, it's good to swallow a bit of integrity. LOL A:-D


Pal's Gal's Pal

Poaching from Your Best Fren.

Is it a Crime? Is it palpable?

Over and over again.

A " I'm having what ever he's having." Syndrome?

(Perhaps it's something in him which I admire and secretly wanting to be him. Hmmm?)

Feeling like some low-life. Such unbecoming...


Jumat, 28 Maret 2008

Digital Drops: Vestax Guber CM-02: Toca-Discos com USB e Muito Estilo

Digital Drops: Vestax Guber CM-02: Toca-Discos com USB e Muito Estilo: "A turntable Vestax Guber CM-02 tem o mesmo design da CM-01, mas com um diferencial muito interessante, uma porta USB que é perfeita para você converter seus LPs para o formato digital no seu PC ou Mac.
Este toca-discos toca LPs de 33 1/3, 45 e 78 rpm, tem um braço em ‘S’, motor “direct drive” e pré-amplificador embutido."

Pop the corn and Seam

The fructose (a.k.a the unhealthiest type of sugar there is out there)levels are off the charts.

The butter-level is not far behind .

And remember , this IS CORN .

So what this means is that the caloric intake for a single movie -sitting is diabetes-inducing , heart vessel-clogging and waist-seam bursting!!!

"Pop the seam! Pop the seam!"

Everything single damn time I indulge, I feel disgusted.


Kamis, 27 Maret 2008

Imagens mágicas e ilusões de óptica ( Ilusao Optica Imagem Pintura Magia )

118 Wallypower - iate de luxo ( Barco Velocidade Potencia Tecnologia Design Luxo Iate )

118 Wallypower - iate de luxo ( Barco Velocidade Potencia Tecnologia Design Luxo Iate ): "A concepção deste iate mistura habilmente as tecnologias navais tradicionais com inovações de vanguarda. No que respeita ao casco, por exemplo, foi usada uma estrutura híbrida de elementos de fibra de carbono, fibra de vidro, nomex e madeira de balsa. O acabamento exterior em verde escuro metalizado muda de aspecto consoante a luz e o ambiente circundante.
Para propulsionar o Wallypower foram escolhidas três turbinas a gás com 16800 Hp de potência que expelem jactos de água orientáveis que permitem manobrar a embarcação e levá-la a uma velocidade superior a 60 nós (110 Km/hora) sem que, no entanto, o conforto esteja comprometido. O desenho do casco e o isolamento acústico garantem a estabilidade e a qualidade de vida a bordo.
Toda a pureza e elegância das linhas é mantida sem sacrificar a funcionalidade e são inúmeras as funções escondidas debaixo das superfícies lisas. Radares, antenas, âncoras e outros dispositivos encontram-se dissimulados no casco; as amuradas rebatem e servem de plataformas de mergulho e atraque; o envidraçado panorâmico é deslizante e permite estender as actividades dos espaços interiores, dignas de um hotel de luxo, a todo o convés."

TRVL Traveller PC Concept Makes You Interact With The Environment - Gizmo Watch

TRVL Traveller PC Concept Makes You Interact With The Environment - Gizmo Watch: "So what was that you had your baggage stuffed with the last time you set out on a journey! Your laptop, a guide map, couple of books about the place you’re going to visit etc. etc. That makes quite a major part of your baggage on most voyages ain’t it? The world is getting smarter and with that shall we adapt. TVLR could be an integral part of becoming smarter by not carrying that loads of stuff but a small PC which has the potency of functioning as all those things you normally carry along. The best function of this small yet potent PC is the way it helps you with navigation. The transparent display gives you the exact details regarding the environment rather than just giving you an insight on its location. A perfect way to carry the virtual world in a single contrivance!"

G1 > Carros - NOTÍCIAS - Shopping de SP expõe réplica do Mach 5

G1 > Carros - NOTÍCIAS - Shopping de SP expõe réplica do Mach 5: "Em parceria com a Warner Bros., evento acontece no SP Market nos dias 29 e 30 março.
Espaço contará ainda com a exposição de mais de 15 mil veículos em miniatura."

Digital Drops: Arthur C. Clarke, O Profeta do Futuro

Digital Drops: Arthur C. Clarke, O Profeta do Futuro: "“Qualquer tecnologia suficientemente avançada é indistinguível da mágica.”
Morreu ontem no Sri Lanka um dos maiores escritores de ficção científica de todos os tempos, o grande e imortal Sir Arthur C. Clarke, que profetizou em mais de uma centena de livros muitas invenções que se tornaram realidade como o satélite artificial, o ônibus espacial, os super computadores e os sistemas de comunicação instantânea que todos nós conhecemos tão bem.
Nos anos 40, Sir Arthur defendeu a tese de que o homem iria pisar na Lua até o ano 2000, algo que era considerado impossível naquela época. Algum tempo depois, foi convidado para participar como comentarista das transmissões das missões lunares da Apollo 12 e Apollo 15."

Build A Tri-monitor Rackmount PC At Home! - Gizmo Watch

Build A Tri-monitor Rackmount PC At Home! - Gizmo Watch: "can be quite deceptive, people say! What appears complicated may not be the case in reality. For those of you who thought building a tri-monitor rackmount computer was close to impossible, there is some heartening news. With electronic essentials, basic know-how of technology and loads of patience, you can build your own tri-monitor rackmount at home. For the ultra-high resolution of 4800×1200, you can use the Dell 2007fp. This would also ensure that there is no screen overlap. In order to power three DVI monitors via a single PC, we use two identical video cards. Two 256MB XFX 7600GT ‘Fatal1ty’ PCI-E(x16) SLI Passive cards will suffice for now, as they come with heatpipes and large heatsinks. The motherboard used here is the Asus P5N-E SLI NF650i and the CPU is an Intel Core 2 Duo E4300. For our TRC, we opt for 2×1Gb Corsair Value Select, DDR2 PC5300 RAM and 250Gb SATA Samsung SP2504C hard-disk.
The power supply for the PC is through an Xilence Office Edition 460W Semi Fanless. If you wish to access your files through a laptop or HTPC when the power is off, you can choose to go with Network Attached Storage (NAS). For the integration of the parts, a Dell Powerconnect 2716 16-port Gigabit managed switch can be employed. When you have put all the parts together, you can get a 12u 19″ cabinet (a tad expensive, though!). With the new set-up, you can now watch live TV or record it wirelessly through HTPC. Sounds quite cool, ain’t it?"

Fly the green skies at Mach 5 | Emerging Technology Trends |

Fly the green skies at Mach 5 Emerging Technology Trends "The European Union has launched in 2005 its Long-Term Advanced Propulsion Concepts and Technologies project (LAPCAT). Several companies worked on this €7 million EU-funded project. For example, Popular Science reports that Reaction Engines Limited has designed an hydrogen-powered hypersonic airliner simply dubbed A2. This plane would fly at Mach 5 (3,400 mph or 5,500 km/h) on very long distances, such as non-stop flights from Europe to Australia in less than 5 hours. And because it would be hydrogen-powered, it would not release any greenhouse gases over our heads. The A2 plane has been designed to carry about 300 passengers who would pay a price equivalent to current business class tickets. The question is: will this plane ever take off? But read more…"

Rabu, 26 Maret 2008

Fabulous Flab

Velvet D'Amour
Velvet d'Amour is arguably the World's First plus-sized Supermodel.

She who has modelled for Jean Paul Gaultier , John Galliano and a slew of other designer labels, and has appeared in the pages of numerous magazines world wide such as Bella , Choc , and most notably, Vogue .

Tall, beautiful, curvy, photogenic, confident and full of personality, she started out as a waif model just like any other out there.

There was even a time she suffered from eating disorders.
Struggling with self-esteem issues and other emotional turmoils, took a hold on her life.

All that behind her, these days, she's positive and full of vibrance.

Fashion and photography has always been a big part of Velvet's life. Especially the latter which she continues to indulge in even today.

So, when one fine day in late 2006, the opportunity came for her to strut her stuff once more, when the fashion industry began to turn up their snobbish noses at the unhealthily thin girls who were flooding the catwalks, Velvet was upfront and center.

(Tyra Banks' 'So What?' movement sure helps)

Strutting her stuff down the runway, to thunderous applause, her career as a model, ironically, only then , really took off.

Back then, she was but another struggling model in a sea of anonymous young girls who were hopelessly waiting and seriously starving.


"Everyone's Beautiful"- JPG, indeed.


Hearts Out 2 ?

What is Loving for 'All the Wrong Reasons?'

What is Loving for 'All the Right Reasons?'

Is there such a thing? Can it be justified?

Hearts Out 2?

Something has to give.....