Jumat, 26 Oktober 2007

Closet Continuum

I have a friend who just 'came out' of the closet if you know what I mean....

And there's no discrimination from me but a ton of R.E.S.P.E.C.T.

B'cos it takes a lot. More than just being brave and having the will. It's about finding yourself. And it's the hardest thing in the world.

Actually, sexuality is not definite but a continuum.
The level of desire as opposed to disdain for the opposite sex varies from person to person (even depending on time and situation!) only serves to exemplify the notion that sexuality should not be an issue in any context.

It is all but a senseless hype meant to be insensitive; showing a lack in understanding and benevolence.

Listen out and nod away:
>Males crave physical gratification.

>Females crave emotional gratification.

What this means is that a really 'handsome gal or a really 'pretty boy' could still whisk a 'straight-as-an-arrow' proclaimer off his/her feet, as long as this person' gratification is met.

In fact, the gratification itself (physical/emotional or both) is a continuum in it self.

So, quit the labelling b'cos we're all humans.

'Needs' are governed by personal norms while 'wants' are governed by social norms (and stigmas) .

So the rule of thumb? Don't discriminate b'cos you'r likely not that 'straight' after all...

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