Kamis, 18 Oktober 2007

Spice Re-Union Flag

Today: Sexy-Sophistication. Lookin for a good time.
Then: Girls are girls. Brash and loud. Had a good time.

It's been over a full decade since they first dominated pop-culture.... Ginger, Scary, Baby, Sporty and Posh are 'bout to make a Girl Power-smashin again. :P

They are one of those teenage crushes we all hate to admit we had.

'Wannabe' , '2 Become 1' , 'Viva Forever' et al ....a slew of international #1-hits.

We made it happen. The fans sent it all right up there into the stratosphere.

So admit. We all love to hate them. But we DON'T.

With flagging careers and many more mouths to feed (how many babies again? Not including Baby Spice), they are going back on tour.

No more ego-trips like 'I'm gonna make it on my own and so I don't need you' cattiness.
No more sore-denials like " She didn't sing that much anyway' rebuttals.

And finally, a Greatest Hits album will be out pronto.

So many #1 hits. So many #1 albums. It's a spicy wonder in itself why the heck these sistas are taking so long to sum it up .

Well, if you want it to end on a high note (and what a long note it has been), end it by being the feature-artist on the world-famous Victoria's Secret fashion show.

Millions will be tuning in. The exposure (pun fully intended) is massive. Typical Spice Girl hype.

Guess these Spicy Mamas won't be the ones wearing the least clothes this time round eh?

(Remember how in the Viva Forever music video where the girls had lil fairy wings? Now that will be cute.^^)

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