Senin, 10 November 2008

Models are Air-heads

(Need no) Introducing...

The world's Slimmest lappie The Apple MacBook Air.

The Size-Zero of the Notebook world.

.. tilt it on its side and it almost disappears.

Gorgeous model.

Yes, but it's also likely one of its most impractical.

So ridiculous is it's lack of basic amenities due to Apple's obsession with the waif est possible.

Imagine a single USB port. Imagine not being able to play a CD or a CD-ROM. Imagine needing another external hard drive from another Mac just to be able to download anything.

Just like a human model not being able to eat even an ounce more.

But looking absolutely STUNNING. ^^

Q...If you want to be seen with one... you WANT one.


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