How true:
"....too much pain can really melt away the love.. whenever you think about *** and you remember all those hurtful things *** had done (intentionally or not) the flame keeps on burning... as much as you want to forget about it.. it is not that easy.. there are times when you think about it as if your brain has an automatic alarm that will remind you that "this is what *** has done to you" and tha pain will be felt all over again and you'll start to cry...
crying.. your only escape from the pain that you're feeling... and makes you wish you won't feel it again...
at times i still have this automatic alarm in my brain that reminds me of all the painful things that happened to me and it makes me scared, that maybe one day i'll be experienceing it again and worse with the same person.. ( now that's emotional suicide)... "
Can anyone be so inconsiderate and hurtful?
Especially when there's is supposed to be love in the mix?
Q... I pray this pain will go away.
Thank you ... Drama Queen @ http://dramaqueen-andeng.blogspot.com/2008/04/on-love-and-pain-and-wanting-more.html
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