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BMW i is the beginning of a new world of mobility with visionary use of sustainable technology. Innovative applications and smart services.
Sex Icon of the Malayas in the 1950-70s.
The Queen of Stiptease.
Marilyn Monroe of Malaya.
She didn't object. But she didn't succumb either. She played the game.
Indeed. A Rose of her Time.
The Big Stars.
the Big (tits) Stars.
And the other you'll watch re-runs of theirs, very late nights....
I must be the most unfortunate driver out there. And each time it's never NEVER my fault !!!
I really wonder why it's always the better girl that ends up SECOND on Top Model, cycle after cycle.
C'mon Tyra, give the deserving girl her big break!!!
Just had this Big Job interview today, and i feel like a total wuss.
And suddenly, this competitive side of me rears; like monster rearing it's scorpion sting.
Sorry dude, it's just Business. Nothing personal.
But oh how the Universe works!
...And indeed! How strange this Universe works.
Thou went for a test drive today and ,now, I gotta love me some Bug. :-)
A Living Legend.
"Black is back in Japan, with everyday household items and health goods taking on a darker tone to show casual luxury and sophistication."so says Japan's Trend Shop.
And guys... using these to clean up you , ahem, spunk , may not be such a great idea 'cos it's a little too obvious isnt it?
A follow up to the previous post, these are Jap-manga pics of nantai-mori, or the Male Sushi Platter. equivalent^^
Trust me, this is Food-Art and as I've said earlier in the previous post, its Sensuality-meets-Gastronomy.
A fusion of Sensuality and Gastronomy.
Like the purity that is sushi, nyotai mori diners should approach this culinary experience, not as an act of discrimination and perversity, but like the food, is exquisite and pure; celebrating the Beauty and Warmth of a Woman and the celestial touch of a Culinary Master.
Emancipation of Mariah Carey to the Power of 2.
What this means is that if Emancipation was one hella good comeback for her, this new album is Da Bomb.
That said, it explains Carey's 18th #1 hit, 'Touch my Body'.
A true sign of a Superstar.
chronicles her journey from fresh faced ingenue to mega Superstar that would one day be capable of beating the crap out of others in her league (namely The Beatles, Elvis, Madonna and Whitney).
This song, trust me, the world over will relate to it like paper to glue.
Who wouldn't? We've all lost someone dear in our lives haven't we?
And while it brings you to tears, it brings down the house with its strong melody and infectious hooks.
Handed in the last of my assignments. The last of my days as an Undergrad before I finally graduate after 4 long and memorable years of late nights and struggles.
Of course the struggles were hard and I wouldnt want live it over again, but ha ha can it never NOT end? LMAO.
Gimme HOT CHOCOLATE ... anytime. ^^
And then that's it, folks.
A large berth that seperates these #1 HIT girls and the rest of the female singers in today's fickle Pop world.
The Magnificent Corset Piercing. ^^
Any girl who walks pass, with a hot body (bare-back dress/top, duh?)and a set of beautiful corset piercingS done, I'd definitely take my hat (and pants) off for her.
A Vet or any doctor for that matter, should be the epitome of benevolence, kindness and patience.
doctor-Vet I met today.
Cruel. Inflexible. Too much attitude. Stinking arrogant.
Since when did suffering, sickness and death... needed an Appointment?