The New Trinity: Gisele, Tyra and Heidi (T-B)

The first supermodels were the likes of Lisa Fonssagrives who was the first model who really graced the covers of every magazine but belonged to an era where feminine beauty was more mainstream reserved and conforming to social norms and perceptions and then ,of course, Twiggy came along and redefined what the typical models we see today are like; waifer and edgier.
But the Supermodel craze only picked up ommph when the likes of Janice Dickenson, Donayale Luna and Iman Abdulmajid came onto the scene. They had bigger public personas and fatter pay cheques of course.
Janice Dickenson announced, "I'm a Supermodel. You'll need to create a Supermodel division."
Since then, the public was enamored. And the love affair with the 'Supermodel' and their glamourous lifestyles, grew and grew.
The height of the Supermodel frenzy was in the late 80's and Early 90's with the Original Trinity being Linda Evangelista , Naomi Campbell and Christy Turlington.
That was a time where supermodels were more powerful and revered than mainstream celebrities.
Evangelista famously quipped, " I will not get out of bed for less than $10 thousand dollars a day."
Campbell added fuel to the fire , "I'm worth it."
However , since the mid-80's and early-90's, singers, too, were becoming a different breed.
With the likes of Madonna and especially, Whitney and Mariah, they heralded a new type of Music Superstar, the whole-package singer. One who ,unlike past singers who only needed a good voice, this new breed not only had the Voice, but also the looks and media-savvy showmanship to match. They were the new darlings. The general public see them often and hear them even more. Everyone wanted a piece of them because they seemed 'real' and 'talented'.
They were far more relatable than a couple of spoilt supermodels who were paid loads of money for simply looking gorgeous.
With a loss of public love and support, the fashion industry no longer had the means (or need) to support grossly-highly paid models, preferring to use faceless and anonymous models as mere mannequins that were easier to mould and bring focus back to the clothes on their backs.
So, from the mid-90's on, the Supermodel-era was over and only a rare few outstanding individuals truly became 'Supermodels'.
Since then, it heralded The NEW Trinity of Tyra Banks, Gisele Bundchen and Heidi Klum.
These models were different. While Naomi and Kate Moss were considered bad examples and spoit-brats of the industry with their wild partying, abusive ways and overtly waif looks, these newer girls were healthy-looking and sun-kissed.
Rolling Stone magazine announced loud and clear
'The Return of the Curves'.
Banks, Bundchen and Klum are curvier and are more blown-to-perfection Amazonian beings because in a climate where the general public was no longer crazy about 'supermodels', these girls had to be even more 'perfect' and all rounded.
The new Trinity had to carve out a niche for themselves at a time where the new obsessions were the singers and Hollywood actors.
While the Original Trinity were comfortable being mere 'models' being paid so much and having so much hype heralding their every appearance, those girls never had to diversify. They could afford to stick to doing purely high-fashion and little else.
Banks, Bundchen and Klum, on the other hand, have had to diversity into the commercial market as well, to earn their keep and place in current-popular culture unlike their predecessors .
In the process of doing so, the new Trinity have effectively become wealthier and more powerful in mainstream media than the Original Three were ever able to.
They have become Media Moguls.
These newer models do not merely have clout within the fashion industry, but the entire entertainment industry. They don't just produce extravagant results but break new ground.
They don't just model but endorse products.
Tyra Banks for instance, had become the first model in history to be on the cover of People Magazine and also one of only 4 other women to ever be ranked, in consecutive years, in Time Magazine's 50 Most Influential people in the World.

America's Next Top Model is one of the biggest reality shows in tv-history. While The Tyra Show, draws milions of followers hanging on to her ever word. Every important public figure and celebrity is begging to be on her Show. And every designer out there pleas to dress her and have their creations featured on her shows or on her. Many have termed her America's Next Oprah as both shows have made Banks the Most Powerful Supermodel in history.
While the world was awe struck then when the Original Trinity earned 'millions' of dollars, the new Trinity is earning 'multi-millions'.
Gisele with her numerous endorsements such as the Ipanema sandals among others and having done almost every fashion campaign out there, has made her the Richest supermodel in History.

Observe the contrast. Linda Evangelista charged $10 thousand dollars a day. Tyra charges $30,000 per Step on the run way. While Gisele charges $50 thousand per step . Indeed, Banks and Gisele earn more per step than Evangelista did for an entire day's worth of Supermodel-dom!
With massive product endorsement deals, such as Jordache shown here, being producer and host to Project Runway which allows her to talk on an equal level with top designers, and her being the current biggest Angel of Victoria's Secret, have all made Heidi Klum a titan in the business.

It's no wonder Vanity Fair had termed the likes of the new Three, especially Banks, 'Media Model Mogul' .
Perhaps it's the new term for 'Super Super models'. :Op
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