Currently, nothing this side of a Dodge Caliber fits the bill.
But , as I'm still(quite) a young chap whose still into my Sport-car Lovin phase of my life, I'd be thinking 5-10 years down the line, on what I would want for Christmas then. ;OP
Enter the Coupe-SUV.
It's hardly an original and ground breaking idea and car manufacturers have been toying around the idea for years, but it's only in the last couple where the SUV segment had seen significant growth even in Urban landscapes where people will even complain about having muddy shoes. Posers, you read?
So the attmepts of late have become more realistic and not just a flight of fancy to tickle fans.
Here are my favs from Premium brands (5-10 years down the road, remember?) ? :
1) What you want is Brand-pedigree bar-none. The Land Rover is iconic. It's LRX , below, has the power to conquer the Urban Jungle. Edgy yet Brutish. Sleek and chiseled with strong relevance to traditional lineage. Perfecto. :)

2) If the BMW X3 is too rough and small n the X5 is still not satiable enough, enter the X6, premuim style for the sophisticated you. Atypical of BMW, sensuous.

Swoon . ^^
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