Have you ever wondred exactly who are your friends?
But never had that BIG tragic moment to ever sieve the hang-outers from the stay-by-your-sides ?
Never had one... will never know actually.
But in our hearts, we really do dont we ?
We join clubs, GO to the clubs.... the hugs and the kisses... the hi's and the byes... the treats and the sharing.... the rip-offs....
Think real hard.... and you realise ... DAMN..... most of my 'FRIENDS' do fall into that category.
They treaten break offs.... and betrayal.. you feel obligated rather than wanting to be around them.
What about the other group? The 'stay-by-your-sides' type? The ones who come in times of need?
How many of us are lucky to actually have one? I know none ...as I've said earlier...
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