The Discus is a family of revered ornamental fish found predominantly in the Amazon River basin.
Distinguished by their laterally compressed body shape which only serves to exaggerate even further , their distinct wide shape (it is this body shape from which their common name, “discus”, is derived) and generous display of its striking coloration, they are at once strange and unwieldy but also very beautiful; like moving mood boards of art.
Being peaceful and shy creatures only make these fishes harder to come by.
Of all the discus species, this here is by far the rarest of them all.
And needless to say, the most sought-after.
The Luvdisc.
Striking in its pastel to fushsia pink coloration and heart-shaped body, it is easy to see how its name came about.
A surprisingly big fish at 2-feet wide from dorsal to ventral fin (making it possibly the biggest of the discus family) , this is a swift swimmer that can dart quickly to safety and avoidance or to scare off intruders wandering into its territory.
For decades since its existence was confirmed (prior to which it was but a hear-say myth of the jungle villagers ) this immensely reclusive species has managed to escape most human contact, hiding in the deep marshes of the great Amazon.
So rare, that mostly unsubstantiated eye-witness accounts ever really hinted at its existence.
Otherwise, the most concrete evidences, if they ever were considered to be, were only the following:
>A rough sketch by an observant eye-witness.

> An artist's impression of the fish in its natural habitat, based on accounts.

> A scientific drawing of this species.

> A scientific model based on scrap remains found.

>>>However, finally and recently , exactly the day before the day after, man's increasingly habitual wield of the digi-cam every where he goes, paid off, and a lucky explorer observed for a few brief minutes , before seeing it dart off into the murks once more, took the first and only ever photograph of the elusive Luvdisc.

How a fish so big and impossibly striking ,and yet almost impossible to come by, is a testiment of its immense elusiveness.
At the height of its mysterious existence, it's reputation even reached mythology with tribe men hinting that should a couple ever get to see one, they will be blessed with eternal love.
Sweet isn't it? Almost like spotting Nature's Cupid.
Or it was just to motivate some love-lorn couples to really search for this joke of a fish.
Q ...WOW . ^^p
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