Time to cool off.
Time for an emotional vacation.
Time to let the dust settle.
Time to let things heal.
Time to allow us to miss each other's company.
Q .. Craving to see u once more.
BMW i is the beginning of a new world of mobility with visionary use of sustainable technology. Innovative applications and smart services.
I'm using the Samsung F480.
And trust me, it takes quite a phone to persuade me off my waif Motorola Razr.
My bro uses the new-fangled Apple iPhone.
But there are features on the iPhone ( I am nit-picking here btw) which is glaringly omitted and it takes quite a commited fan to claim that those don't matter.
So it begs the million-dollar question, do you really need that many fancy toys in a phone where you would sacrifice real world practicalities like size and you-thought-were-common-functions?
The Double O's... of people's power.
Yes, they are the Power Os. The world is their O-yster.
Talk it out. Make it happen.
sex spelt fleeting satisfaction and trouble later, while chastity offered a better life and "more freedom."
"Naturally as a human being ... some kind of desire for sex comes, but then you use human intelligence to make comprehension that those couples always full of trouble. And in some cases there is suicide, murder cases," the Dalai Lama said.
"Too much attachment towards your children, towards your partner," was "one of the obstacle or hindrance of peace of mind,"he said.
Supermodel Tyra Banks is famed for her increadibly lustrous weave.
Anyhow, back to the hairy issue, actually with a face as strong and stunning as hers, she can do without the big hair and still look a thousand times more fab than the next girl beside.
The demin jeans is perhaps the Fashion world's greatest contribution to the real world.
Well for me, I like mine Low-rise .
'I love those super-high shoes that are out at the moment. I'm addicted.... I love the High Heel'~ MSN news.
Fashionista Victoria Beckham is the doyenne of towering stilts.
Rihanna, is getting furious!
Leather, corset, boots and spikes.
This girl's got curves that are for all to see but non to touch.
All I asked is the simple action of consideration and integrity in one's actions and words.