The Speedo Fastskin LZR Racer Swimsuit, is the World's Fastest Swimsuit.
'Made from an ultra lightweight, low drag, water repellent, fast drying fabric, unique to Speedo, called LZR Pulse, the LZR Racer is the world’s first fully bonded swimsuit that is ultrasonically welded and gives the effect of no seams at all. Ultra low drag LZR Panels are embedded into the base fabric to create a ‘Hydro Form Compression system’ helping to compress the entire swimmer’s body into a more streamlined shape and enabling them to cut through the water with more power and agility.'
How fast?
“When I hit the water, I feel like a rocket”, says Michael Phelps, holder of six World records
In all, elite swimmers have had
38 World Record smashed in 4 months.
Controversial enough, huh? :)
Imagine the splash it'll make this coming Beijing Olympics.
It's technology vs. Man.
How fair is it? If you know that it's the suit and not the person who made the record possible?
This issue of improved sports equipment , besides the use of steriods, will remain the two biggest ongoing debate as long as sports exist (of course it will) and Man's endless pursuit of going fastER, highER and strongER.
As an Ex-competitive swimmer myself, I'd be thrilled to see how much a suit like this could have made a difference in my timings.
But where's the gratification in achieving a better time when the minute the suit comes off, you're back from Hero to Zero?
However, consider though , that once such equipment becomes prevalent , before the next new fangled toy comes up to stir the coy and rested-laurels, the field would have once again leveled and mankind would have pushed itself further up the ability stakes.
So, yes, once the hoo haa has died down, it still boils down to the blood, sweat, tears and the hunger for glory , for a sports person to make it to the top of the arena; the true sign of a champion.
Not the skin worn on the outside.
Actually, I'd prefer something more conventional and more comfortable.

>> You know, one day, I'd be able to don a red cape and fly like Superman.^^
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