I was ploughing through music videos on YouTube and kinda came across one of my all time favs, 'Lady Marmalade'(yeah , the Moulin Rouge version) .
And as I recall, every time I saw the video, it left me hot under the collar.
The live-version was even hotter.
The presenter announced 'It came at a time when Whore houses were about the music.'
0f course, the exhilaration of seeing Lil Kim, Xtina, Mya and P!nk perform like 'Divas Live' all over again (they should , shouldn't they?) is well, woo!
But as I, inevitably, scrolled down to the comments section and read what Netizens had to snide about , one recent one caught my attention.
She said,
" Why is Lil Kim there among 4 gorgeous singers?"
This montifox1984 ought to get a left-and-right.
C'mon, Lil Kim is THE Biggest selling Female Rapper in History; the most critically and commercially successful female rapper ever.
> She's sold more records than any other female rap artist, world-wide.
> She' had more chart topping albums on the American Billboard charts.
> She's had more chart topping hits.
> She's the only Female rapper with a #1 hit.
> She's the only female rapper to date, to have won a Grammy award.

This Rap Diva has the goods:
1)The smoldering babe -factor. The sultry looks with that bodacious body to match (with the moves and spunk to carry it off).
2) She's a chameleon ; a fashion and sex icon.
3) She's one of the most prolific song writers out there. Yes, this song bird writes her own rhythms; and what amazing stuff she pens , alright!
4) She's very big and influential within the music industry.
5) Most importantly, what makes her such a mega star is this:
She's got the best female Rap vocals out there. Smooth, X-Factored, distinctive and Powerful.
So, she'd definitely earned her place to BE there with the others.
In fact, Lil Kim and Xtina were the only ones worth watching. Period.
Mya was too Chipmunk-ish while P!nk was obviously trying to out do everyone; (whatta slut).
>>>Ignorance ain't bliss for some folks eh, montifox1984 ?
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