... Suffice to say, such EYE-SORES. Dig your eyes you..
Today was All-Hallows' Eve. (Halloween for blur-fucts. LOL)
And the clubs.... ever more than it already was... filled with POSERS who had the opportunity POSE even more. *
*3 Phenomenon observed:
1) Everyone wants to be a Victoria's Secret Angel. But only 1 or 2 looked like it.:) The rest looked more like Victoria's Secret Love-child-that-should-have-remained-a-Secret. 'Angels' goons, Getit? Not moths... You want onlookers to swoon not swat.
2) Scary Movie killer. You know... if you've got like ten others standing in front of you... they are called Scary Idiots. Good luck with those friends who insist on bringing the fella back home thinking that the stubbornness is a result of being drunk rather than mistaken identity.... (Are you high?)
3)When you're a regular club-goer, you tend to recognise faces. And you swear that with painted faces, white-washed or blood, wigs/ hats and all.... they actually looked better .... heehee
Indeed, MONSTERS pretending to be MONSTERS.
But I did spot a gem (sad isn't it ? The Cannery is hugh and yet there were more messed-up folks than dressed-up folks) : There was this siren in a lil black dress with glowing-red devil ears and 6-inch red stilettos. Nothing over the stop. Subtle and understated. And yet the theme was obviously 'Devil Wears Prada' ... got it ... and oh-so-stylish and sexy. Too bad her bf looked like a prop.
Well, at least when the smoke screen dissipates and the lights go back on... you'd have expected to see a messed-up toad rather than some should-have-been-a-hottie ... only to die of FRIGHT later on.... or worse find one beside your bed that next morning.
Basically, a night where many were ...themselves. ;p
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