Selasa, 25 September 2007

Seeing RED

The upheavals of life.... a plenty aren't they?

The bad experiences with people (aka a**-holes in wateva form or fxn) , situation (Lady Luck ain't smiling on you today) and just ... hmmm... woken up on the wrong side of the bed? (everyday?)

So , yeah, it causes you a burst of blood vessels. The wrath cometh. LOL

But I always remember to tell my self one thing; put it simply , being in such a rut, gets one NO WHERE.

Brush it off. Really.
" Oh what the heck."
Tell yourself that.
'Cos only you yourself will suffer.
That said.... I have this #$%^&*(#$)(*!@# lecturer that stepped on my tail AGAIN !!!!
...... @#$%)(* !!! .
Baaaazztard. TURD.
Feels so much better . LMAO.

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