Rabu, 19 November 2008

BIG (Alter) Egos

When you're a famous pop star, you're flattered by bootlickers and fans to a point where your ego begins to swell larger than your head ( or that recent boob job) .

You begin to think that you're too big even for your own famous name.

Maybe the Spice Girls started it with their Baby, Sporty, Ginger, Scary and Posh tags way back then.
And Madonna was the Material Girl and Bette Midler was The Divine Miss M even before it was hip to do so.

But these DivAAAAAs use their reinvented egos to swell their fame and coffers.

Jennifer Lopez started it. she became known simply as J-Lo.

(with an ego that swollen she still tried hard to persuade the public that Her Love don't cost a Thing and that she's still just Jenny from The Block. Whateva ya Miss Bronx-0-fabulous.)

Suddenly, Janet Jackson made sure everyone knew that she had always been Damita Jo.

(or we could otherwise just call her Lil Miss Wacko Jacko.. which isn't glam isn't it? but neither is an exposed Nipple...)

Mariah made a massive comback by reinvinting herself as Mimi.

(And yes, she claims that she really did grew up with that nic. And my childhood nic was really Fifi.)

Lo and behold...

Beyonce Knowles now proudly announces that she IS Sasha Fierce.

Note, it is not 'I'm also called' but 'I AM' .

Messed up. ^^

Q ... LMAO.. haha

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