Kamis, 20 September 2007


Today, I was so screwed and embarrassed by my lecturer and a class-mate-not-well-liked because they thought I was doing a slip shot job.

Can you imagine? It's so not me ... purleeeze.

Not my fault. In fact, there shouldn't ever have had been an issue.

Did I appear defensive? Definitely. And why should not I ?

I meant everything little detail that I put out there.

It was all deliberate.

So nuff with the berating and stigmatizing.

I'm more sophisticated than that for gawd sakes. Not a blunder , at the very least.

Hiaz. Not biatching... just that I feel so slighted and trivialised.

I mean, kudos to their care, concern and point of view. I appreciated that. But 'less they can objectively see it from my perspective before making a judgement, other wise , it's just not valid from where I am coming from.

Hope they are not offended... I'm not snooty .

Next time, I put on a show at the most. Just to make some people happy. :p

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