Ever had a particular song you're crazy about at any point in time?
Of course we all do.
That theme song that goes on and on.
In fact you're prolly having one right now. That song that just pops into your head incessantly.
It may not even be a particularly infectious pop ditty.
Most of the time, we dismiss it as a mere hear worm.
But is it really?
Have you ever considered the possibility that we may be less aware of certain emotional or mental swings; certain thoughts that may be running unwittingly through our mental scapes?
Thus, we may be having a certain song which becomes some theme , whether for the mood it conjures or the lyrics that speak so real.
And you may not even know it !!!!
So, if you're having certain thoughts or feelings that you haven't really sorted out due to the hectic pace of life, the answer may really lie in the songs you're gravitating to at that point or period in time.
Seek your answers there.
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